B’s First Day In Kindergarten….

My grandson B started kindergarten this week and he is so excited. He has a new backpack that his mom ironed Disney patches on and a new lunch box. He has been practicing lunch and snack time for a week. Congratulations B, have fun and always do your best. Grandma loves you and this is only the beginning of all the first’s you will have in your life.

IMG_1781Important date to remember.

IMG_1772Today is the day.

IMG_1773Let’s go Mom, we are going to be late.

IMG_1774The new woman in his life.

IMG_1779New friends.

IMG_17771They do grow up too fast don’t they. He looks happy and terrified at the same time not an easy feat to achieve.

About insider53

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Writer, Voracious Reader, and so much more.
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5 Responses to B’s First Day In Kindergarten….

  1. ck says:

    Look at that face! you have a beautiful grandson. (But I’m sure you hear that all the time.)

  2. '75 says:

    dont forget mom…..that this was the school that ’79 & ’80 went to!

  3. Gibby says:

    He is adorable!
    My youngest starts KDG in 2 weeks. I’m going to be a mess.

  4. faemom says:

    Super cute! What a great idea to get a backpack and iron patches.

  5. '75 says:

    He could not make up his mind about what kind of backpack he wanted…….so being the pushover mom I am, I tried to give him a little of everything .

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